any paksh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. However, the opposition obtains the best results for general elections, and the third party Liberal Democratic Party are almost on a par with the two major national parties 2. increased by two percentage points to become the third party in a parliament that has only three 3. It will seek in vain to be a third party with the Duke of Orleans 4. Layout by which a testator bequeaths property to a person (the institute of restitution), on condition that the latter transmit time under certain conditions or circumstances to a third party (callee) (cf 5. The mystery of redemption is subject to the third party

Given are the examples of hindi word any paksh usage in english sentences. The examples of any paksh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., third party.

The factor is a third party to the customer who may not feel comfortable while dealing with it.

Conflict can also be resolved through negotiations and third party interventions.
Sometimes it is difficult to dissipate conflict through negotiations; at that time mediation and arbitration by a third party is needed.
In arbitration, the third party has the authority to give a decision after hearing both parties.

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